
Showing posts from April, 2022

Isomorphic Keyboard

 I've been researching how to make an isomorphic musical keyboard. This keyboard will be laid out like a computer keyboard where you form the chord shape with your fingers and move left and right on the keyboard to choose the key. The actual keys will be arranged so that if you go one key to the right, you go up one note on the musical scale, if you go up and to the left or up and to the right you go up three or four notes; the major and minor third harmonics. This is the whole reason I purchased a Raspberry Pi and an FPGA, and I'm thinking of buying a single board computer with built-in FPGA after I have a working prototype. I have tried to install a musical synthesizer library for C, but I haven't quite got it working, and its been a while.     Image: Isomorphic Keyboard. All for now, Boss It turns out that if you ignore the accidentals on a regular keyboard, the four standard chords all look the same. I wish I knew this when I owned a keyboard.  I guess I won't be bu