
Showing posts from June, 2022

Android Lecture Notes App.

I seem to be bouncing around between different projects, some projects require time e.g. waiting for glue to set, some are on the back-burner because there's only so much time in a day. With this new project, I am working on a vector drawing app for taking lecture notes on a smartphone or tablet. You will be able to zoom in and out on a massive canvas and write fluidly with a stylus pen. I've downloaded Android Studio and I'm working through the basic features of a Hello World app. I am unfamiliar with Java and using an IDE, so the next month before I start uni will be fun. PS I am enrolled in a Graduate Diploma of Science in Applied Maths at the University of Queensland, starting in one month's time. Update 25/6/2022 Here is a screenshot of a program I copied off YouTube. This app draws directly to the screen. Mine will draw to a scroll-able canvas.   Update 8/7/2022 I taken a template app with a main screen and a settings screen and rolled in the code I had for drawin