Android Lecture Notes App.

I seem to be bouncing around between different projects, some projects require time e.g. waiting for glue to set, some are on the back-burner because there's only so much time in a day.

With this new project, I am working on a vector drawing app for taking lecture notes on a smartphone or tablet. You will be able to zoom in and out on a massive canvas and write fluidly with a stylus pen.

I've downloaded Android Studio and I'm working through the basic features of a Hello World app. I am unfamiliar with Java and using an IDE, so the next month before I start uni will be fun.

I am enrolled in a Graduate Diploma of Science in Applied Maths at the University of Queensland, starting in one month's time.

Update 25/6/2022

Here is a screenshot of a program I copied off YouTube. This app draws directly to the screen. Mine will draw to a scroll-able canvas.


Update 8/7/2022

I taken a template app with a main screen and a settings screen and rolled in the code I had for drawing to the screen.

Now I can only draw to a region of the screen...

 Update 8/7/2022:

I've sorted out most of the issues with UI and created the objects that will make up the functioning of my project. I'm currently working on saving and loading permanent XML files. After that I'll be getting the screen to scroll and zoom in and out using multi-touch and I'll be done.

My deadline is in 2 days (before I go back to uni), and I'm about halfway through the project. I don't really need to finish this project in time because now I have a mouse and keyboard and a Microsoft Word clone (Collabora Office) on my tablet. I'll work on it from time to time as my next priority after study.

All for now,


Update 11/11/2022

I've been back to uni and I've seen the app that the lecturers use to write on a tablet and have it displayed on a projector. It makes my idea totally redundant. I was able to make an app where I can draw to the screen and have what I draw remain after I refresh the screen. I did gain some experience writing object oriented code, but I won't be continuing this project.

That's all, 



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