Diablo II Hell Bovine Figurines

 I am in the process of commissioning a 3d model of the demonic cows from the secret cow level in Diablo II. 

See image:

I have been researching 3D printing and moulding processes. I have ordered the guts of an mp3 player that comes with a motion sensor to play sounds when someone walks past. I plan to make a cow statue that moos at you.

That's all for now,


Update 5/1/2022

I asked for a model that was fat and cartoonish with stubby legs, as true to the original (pictured above). Here is an example of what I said I didn't want:

Here is what I received:

I will work with this for now.

All for now, Boston.

Update 28/1/2022

If I'm going to produce statues and figurines I'd better learn how to make and use moulds. I decided to start off easy with a simple frog design using paraffin wax.

Simple frog design:

Frog design with pour spout:

Frog in situ.

Pouring the mould.

The mould is now set:

Extracting the model:

Mould ready to use:

Melting wax:

Mould in use:

Finished product is filled with tiny bubbles and missing toes.

That's all I can do for now,


Update 14/1/2022

I have used my existing moulds to make a cat and a frog out of plaster. The resulting figurines are covered with bubbles.

All for now. Boston. 


  1. If this works out I might make a Wololo statue.

  2. I know a guy who knows a guy who has a 3d printer. I was thinking of getting my original cast made in metal but if I can get one on the cheap in plastic, that'd be good.


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